One Ekklesia eBook
About The eBook
Over the last 2,000 years, the faith of Jesus Christ has had a profound and undeniable impact on the world, especially the West. Immediately following the outburst of this faith came the “church.” The Church of Christianity, as it has been known for the last 1700 years, has been a source of both enlightenment with the organized spread of the gospel and good works, but it has also been a source of confusion, devastation, greed, power struggle, manipulation, and control.
What if this socalled “church” is not what God had in view at all? What if Christians have spent so much time and energy in building and organizing outside of His eternal purpose . . . what He actually desired.
It is a fact that the Church, particularly in the West, has been in decline over the last century--that decline is accelerating. Christians are not leaving their faith in Jesus Christ; rather, they are leaving “church as is.” Could it be that the followers of Jesus are not actually hungering for a better church, but for both the vision and practice of the Lord’s eternal purpose. Contrary to "church"--it is a living, dynamic fellowship relationship; a community with diverse believers within the Trinity brought into the experience of the One Body of Christ.
The Lord Jesus said: I will build my ekklesia (Matt 16:18). It has been a conspiracy of satanic proportion wherein Christians have been lulled into thinking that what the Lord wants is “church" with its programs, ecclesiastical systems, creeds, institutions, services, and community good works.
ONE EKKLESIA is not condemning these expressions of "church"; however, its aim is to bring a refreshingly new perspective relating to the One Body of believers God is building today. The time has come for a much overdue text on ecclesiology. By tackling biblical passages concerning God’s eternal purpose through illuminating exegesis of Scriptures, ONE EKKLESIA unveils a renewed, inspiring, and motivating vision for believers in Jesus. Simultaneously, it is a radical approach revealing the practicality of how this vision can be applied by every single believer no matter what their station is in life.
ONE EKKLESIA is not about how to improve your church, leave your church, or how to organize a better church. Rather, its vision and practice is to fulfill the Lord’s prayer for His people (whether attending church or not) to be ONE so the world will believe. It is a practical oneness of diverse believers impacting the world. We believe this vision and practice will ignite the holy fire of God spreading uncontrollably throughout the world for the next and final revival. Each chapter is impactful—you will not want to put this book down!
Those who have reviewed its contents are not only numerous—they are entrenched in the evangelization of the world in vibrant evangelical commitment to His Eternal Life, Truth of Scripture, and the Glory of His Service. This is a clarion call for radical Christianity which turned the world upside down in the First Century! This is NOT a text on ecumenism where truth is turned on its head for an organizational unity – no, this is the work of the Spirit in the hearts and lives of those committed to following the Lamb of God and becoming the answer to our Lord’s prayer in John 17: THAT THEY ALL MAY BE ONE . . . that the world may be believe the Father sent the Son!