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Steve Simms
May 1, 20181 min read
A head-trip or a heart-flip
Jesus said: "The light of the body is the eye." So let's turn around and Look into each other's eyes With unveiled faces, And experience...
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Steve Simms
Apr 10, 20181 min read
"Crazy Bible Stuff" video series talks about the book "ONE"
The Bible says that we are all one in Christ. But how can that be since there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations and...
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Steve Simms
Apr 7, 20182 min read
Unanimity is hard to say (and to do). Unity's easier.
Unanimity is a word that can be difficult to say. However, it's even harder to do. A simple definition of unanimity is: "agreement by all...
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Henry Hon
Mar 24, 20181 min read
Ekklesia--The Vision Of ONEness (video)
Here's another inspiring video from our ONE in Messiah Conference where Henry Hon talks about his vision of ONEness in the body of...
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Henry Hon
Mar 21, 20181 min read
Powerful keynote about ekklesia from our ONE in Messiah Conference
Here's the keynote from our ONE in Messiah Conference last weekend. It's a powerful talk about the New Testament concept of ekklesia....
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Steve Simms
Mar 7, 20182 min read
Rick Warren says Christians are "failing at unity." Are we?
Many walls divide Christians -- church walls, doctrinal walls, pride walls, racial walls, organizational walls. However, Jesus wants us...
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Steve Simms
Feb 23, 20183 min read
Billy Graham demonstrated the power of Christian unity
Many Christian evangelists have worked within one Christian denomination or doctrinal system. However Billy Graham crossed lines and...
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Steve Simms
Feb 21, 20181 min read
Funny church names help us understand the silliness of sawing up the body of Christ
Religion has sawn the body of Christ into tens of thousands of different Christian churches, denominations, and organizations with many...
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