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Rod Page

Becoming One Through Love

Scripture Focus "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." — John 13:35



Jesus made it clear that the defining mark of His followers would be their love for one another. This love is not abstract or conditional. It is practical, sacrificial, and reflective of the love Jesus showed by washing His disciples’ feet and ultimately laying down His life. Remember, Jesus even washed the feet of his enemy--knowing he would betray Him.

The verse before verse 35 in John 13 indicates that this love has its source in the Lord Himself--"as I have loved you." This kind and quality of love transcends disagreements, embraces diversity, and seeks to make peace and to build others up in the faith. When we love one another in this way, we not only strengthen the unity of the body but also bear witness to the world. Our love becomes the evidence of Jesus’ presence in us, drawing others to Him. Now that is the Gospel of Grace and of Peace!


Reflect on a specific way you can show this love to someone in your community or family today. Perhaps it’s through an act of service, a word of encouragement, or forgiving a past hurt. Let your love be a testimony of Jesus’ presence in your life.


Lord, fill me with Your love so that I may love others as You have loved me. Drown my fear in your ocean of amazing love. Help me to live out this love in my words and actions, building unity in Your body and drawing others to You. Amen.

For further thought: Read Ephesians 3:17-21 to help be rooted and grounded in Jesus' love. Notice the admonition to comprehend this "with all the saints." What do you think this implies? Please leave comments below.

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"This kind and quality of love transcends disagreements, embraces diversity, and seeks to make peace and build others up in the faith. "

Statement to remember...


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Thank you. A great reminder.


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