Part 4 of 10-Part Video Series on Our Oneness as the Body of Christ by Henry Hon with Doug Krieger narrating - CLICK HERE for VIDEO NARRATION or Text Only Read Below
PART 4 - Delving further into the word "church" and the difference between Ekklesia and "Houses of Worship" or "churches." Why was William Tyndale burned to the stake in his first translation from the Hebrew and Greek of the Bible into the English language? Why? Because he refused to translate the Greek word "Ekklesia" as "Church"--instead he used terms like "congregation" and "assembly"--because he wanted to lay stress upon the "people" and not the "places of their worship." Today there are literally thousands of "churches"--buildings. You may realize that the people constitute the real Ekklesia. Believers may enjoy wherever they fellowship; however, we're called in our Net Testament experience to fellowship with all who call upon the Lord...we're going to examine this much more closely.
Please CLICK HERE to view/listen to the presentation in video format - 6.31 min. Please READ the text below.
William Tyndale, credited as the first translator of the Bible directly from Hebrew and Greek to English, translated “ekklesia” to “congregation.” The Roman Church at the time objected and demanded “ekklesia” be translated to “church.” Tyndale refused to submit; therefore, he was eventually burned at the stake for his conviction.
Eighty years or so later, King James decreed that an Authorized Version of the Bible in English be made available. Although about over 80% of his version was directly lifted from Tyndale, his rule #3 of this translation read: ekklesia must be “church” and not “congregation.”
“Church” is literally referring to the physical building where Christians are to go to “worship” and be taught by the clergy. Whereas, “ekklesia” is where all kinds of believers assemble with each having the freedom to utilize their gifts and speak their perspectives of Jesus Christ being Lord.
The Roman Church at the time of Tyndale owned all the churches (buildings) in Europe and King James, being the head of the Church of England, owned all the churches in England. Both wanted their subjects to go to church where all could be taught the Bible from their perspective (indoctrination). Whoever owns the building, determines what is taught and practiced in that building (church). What better way to control the populace than to make sure they all go to church!
This tradition continues to this very day even when there are literally thousands of different churches. They are still owed by certain ministers or ministries. Every “church” expresses their own perspective from the Bible. The owners still determine what is taught and practiced in their churches. Unlike the times of King James, today’s “church explosion” offers scores of facilities to attend instead of just one or two.
The benefit of having so many different kinds of churches today are that no matter what the proclivity of a person: language, race, culture, doctrinal preference, even musical genre, one can find such a church “of their choice.” Generally, Jesus Christ is preached, and the Bible read. Nevertheless, if not vigilant by the grace of God, you too will become bias and controlled by only one perspective of Scripture.
Appreciate and receive the things of Christ that are beneficial from a wide-variety of churches, but beware of taking in all things: hook, line, and sinker resulting in suppression and rejection of fellowship with other genuine believers having differing views and experiences.